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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Empanadas Argentinas

Outside of our quests for mysterious objects and international jesting, we also do everyday things like go to parties in the kitchen. Whilst the everyday let's-go-drink-in-the-kitchen party doesn't pique my interest, when I received an invitation from an Argentinian colleague to accompany he, his lady-love, and our fellow classmate in the preparation and consumption of her best empanadas, I was the first to r.s.v.p.

Look deeply into my empanadas...

Given that the average exchange student here is an active 24-year-old male, 132 empanadas were not too many for us. Nor were the bottles upon bottles of wine, beer, and other potables which arrived only to be quickly consumed. As with so many international affairs, one thing led to another. The balance of power shifted that night, at least temporarily, when the combined weight of 24 fried empanadas toppled the American guys from their reign as Texas Hold 'Em Terrors, and the French ascended to the throne. (We learned later that the French failed to hold onto their position as poker's top dogs, but that doesn't surprise us, since anything's possible when 132 empanadas are about.)

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