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Tuesday, February 13, 2007


Both J and I love learning about a city by walking around, getting a bit lost, and window shopping. While J particularly liked the wall-eyed boy, I was enchanted by these:

That's right, careful readers, these aren't just any office chairs...

Chairs such as these are the reason that I like the French phrase for window shopping, léche-vitrines, which literally translates to licking the windows. These chairs made it clear that they deserved, indeed they demanded, a double take...

The editors have no idea if any snakes or crocodiles were harmed in the manufacture of these chairs.

I'm sure there is nothing like a snake-skin office chair to let your colleagues know that you can be venomous when you so choose. Personally, I think the red crocodile skin might be a bit too fabulous for this ergonomically correct chair. In fact, these chairs are so fabulous that I began to think about what they would really like to be doing right now. (Don't click on the previous link unless you are over 18 years of age and have an excellent sense of humour. And if you do click, watch the movie.)

I had no idea that Swedish design could be so sassy, and I'm positively charmed!

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