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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

One thousand Rhode Islands

And here we thought that the State of Rhode Island was being euphemistic--quaint, even--in calling itself an island. But it turns out that the whole island thing is true (sort of). In any case, H and I discovered that the thousand islands (of salad dressing fame) and Rhode Island have a little competition going on that most of us in North America have been blissfully unaware of...

Poor, poor, confused Swedes. Providence is a place--not something that happens to your salad.

Incidentally, that is indeed the real recipe for Swedish Rhodeisland dressing. The guy behind the counter at the cafe where we saw this pot was positively adamant that I write down the ingredients. Not that they're weird or anything--the ingredients, I mean.

In any case, I did my best to doll up the recipe card a bit, but let's face it, my recipe cards have nothing on the real deal. (You absolutely must click that link. When H and I first found that site we laughed so hard our abs hurt for two days. Humor as workout.) Weight Watchers has evidently evidently been the reigning champion of bizzaro diet plans for decades, though North Beach is definitely giving them a run for their money.


Anonymous said...

Okay. I just don't get this post. I mean, it was interesting to read about the genesis of the name Rhode Island. But I don't understand why this entry very well.

Also, I'm still confused about the name "The Truffle Warren". Can you explain that to me, please? It's been bothering me all month, and I haven't summoned the courage to ask until right now. Please put me out of my misery.

Anonymous said...

So how did the Rhode Island dressing taste?

And the weight watchers recipes - those are crazy! I dare you to whip up a few of those for your next dinner party. :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah - I just saw the other comment - what does Truffel Warren come from? Is that from Goonies? Oh what that was the Truffel Shuffel - so back to the question...??

J. Powers said...

Dawg, there's nothing profound about the post. At least, I didn't intend it to be profound (but maybe I missed something?). It's just that the Swedes have some funny stuff running around their country. And who knew there was such as thing as Rhodeisland dressing?